
VVIVA Women and Girls’ Foundation is a non- profit organization registered as a company limited by Guarantee under Registration No. 80034360865814, and a community-based organization under registration No. IDLG/019/2022 in Iganga district. VVIVA is a women-founded and women-led local organization committed to promoting the rights and development of women, youths, and vulnerable children in Busoga sub-region.  The organization was founded in 2019 initially as Integrated Community Development Initiatives (ICODI). 

Our entry point into the community is a center-based Early Childhood Development and Primary school for orphans and other vulnerable children (OVCs) under the care of single mothers, neglected teenage mothers, differently abled mothers, elderly caregivers, child-headed households, etc.

The LC1 chairperson making commitment to be a change agent against Gender Based Violence


To build capacity of people and communities to enhance their own wellbeing and create socio-economic environments in which they can thrive.


A community where all people are empowered to create opportunities for themselves and those within their influence.


  • Stewardship
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Building others
  • Good Governance

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